Jan 18, 2024
00:02:57 Social Presencing Theatre
00:06:40 Dharma art
00:09:00 True activity, non-manipulation and non-aggression.
00:12:00 Listening to the moment and nothing being toxic to its core
00:14:00 Attending to the larger beauty, humor and natural kindness in the world
00:19:00 Using the body to find words and suspending meaning-making
00:21:00 Arts and direct knowing
00:22:00 Japanese principle Ma and not projecting what you think you already know
00:25:00 Unconditional well-being.
00:31:00 Resting with experiences and building trust
00:37:00 Noticing what you love
00:41:00 Origins of Bugaku, 7th C Japanese court dance, excruciatingly leisurely, breath time.
00:46:00 Form and freedom
00:51:00 A practice to nourish your spacious self
Arawana's Book: Social Presencing Theatre: The Art of Making a True Move
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