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Love & Liberation with Olivia Clementine

Apr 20, 2021

Some of what Nicole shares includes:

  • Pleasure from a neurological point of view
  • Emotions relationship with sexual arousal experience
  • Studying early phases of arousal
  • Libido and depression
  • Sexual addiction misdiagnosis and mistreatment
  • Sex drive
  • Impact on libido from masturbation, mother fatigue, communication, menopause
  • Sexual behavior and trends with age
  • What is an orgasm?
  • Rapid ejaculation and erectile “dysfunction” misperceptions and solutions
  • Impact of vibratory stimulation on genitals
  • Pornography pros and cons
  • Sex to improve general health, including sleep, partner factors, connected and versus disconnected.
  • Hostile environment in the US for doing sexual research
  • Barrier of what sex is supposed to be used for, and what it is not supposed to be used for 

