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Love & Liberation with Olivia Clementine

Jan 28, 2021

Some of what Kendra shares includes:

Decoupling self-truth from what we choose to do 

Choice as freedom

Interdependence and Sacred Sovereignty

Right relationship with reality.

“Live as to never be ashamed”

Owning our need for validation

Play as an indicator of processing and a tool

Conflict as a means for curiosity

Jan 13, 2021

  • Her beginnings in Non-dual Shaiva Tantra, about the lineage and studying with Swami Muktananda
  • How realized beings function and benefit others
  • Subtle influences
  • Vijnana Bhairava Tantra
  • Pleasure as an intrinsic part of the universe and one of the qualities of the divine.
  • Karmic debt paying it off through relationship