Oct 25, 2022
Oceana Sawyer is an End of Life Doula, writes and speaks on the liminal space of active dying and grief.
Note: Oceana explores some unconventional perspectives in this episode, which come from mid-stream in longer conversations in which she is embedded. They presume an understanding that on the level of social reality, horrific atrocities have been committed against large and specific groups of people and more-than-human beings that cannot be underestimated in terms of their ongoing impact and must be acknowledged and held with the respect and consideration they deserve. Her comments are not intended to diminish or bypass the impact of historic, intergenerational, persistent, and personal trauma. She honors the deep work many are doing to recover and repair such trauma and grief. Her comments are an offering of her emergent viewpoints which are always open for debate and evolution.
Some of what Oceana shares includes:
Oceana: https://www.oceanaendoflifedoula.com
Podcast/Olivia: https://oliviaclementine.com/podcasts
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